Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rapture?

Hahaha, that billboard made my laugh! People are too focused on WHEN it's going to happen rather then living their lives the way Christ intended us to and just be ready. The whole verse in Matthew reads "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.". NOT EVEN THE ANGEL!!! Why must people be so caught up in guessing when it'll happen when the angels themselves don't even know!

[Side not: I've been learning more about the new age movement and one thing that stuck out to me was the mass enlightenment and global unity tha during this time it'll be free of all war, violence, racism, hunger and death, and some even think that we'll be "one" with one language, one world govenment, one religion.
After watching Left behind it talks about the 7 years of tribulation followed by 7 years of peace. I'll be honest I haven't really reseached this the second coming but would New agers see the 7 years of peace as global unity? Just a thought!]

All this to say we need to stop chasing and tracking and guessing when Christ is coming agian and focus on being as Christ like as we can everyday, so that one day we can stand infront of God and know that we (the body of Christ) didn't get mislead or caught up on silly details but did everything we could to love and serve the people around us.

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