Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heavenly treasures

The past few weeks i've known my dear friend Synnove has been visiting Ontario (originally from Norway, but currently living in Los Angeles) and i've wanted to hop in my car and drive to Ottawa (6 hours away). Unfortunitly it didn't look like that would be possible considering I work at a resort and this is the busiest time of the year... Until, a family reunion came to stay and they had a special contract with my boss, which required only 2 people and they'd only be working for four hours a day, thankfully i was blessed with 3 days off!

Something felt a little unsetteling... I wasn't sure of where i'd be staying, or for how long but i couldn't pass up this opportunity to be reunited with one the most truly genuin girls i know! So the next morning i hopped in my car and made the 6 hour trek and decided to also drive an extra 1.5 hours and stay with one of my very closest friends Alyssa, who lives in Hogansburg NY.

I would love to say that things went smoothly but actually it felt like everything that could go wrong went wrong:
I had trouble finding Synnove, felt way out of place at alyssa's and ended up getting a hotel, the hotel ended up being more expensive than i thought, the customs officer was horrible and took forever crossing everyone, was late leaving NY to head back to ottawa, i didn't pack enough warmer clothes, someone was very rude to my friends and myself then to find out my car was broken into and took $3000 worth of stuff; Ipod touch, laptop, external hard drive, Canon rebel xsi, new camera flash, mac makeup and brushs and a lot of smaller things.

The weird thing was is I would not call the trip "bad" or "horrible" actually I had a really fun time, it was like the highs were so high that it made up for all the inconviences of this trip and i'm so blessed that I was able to go and spend time with two girls who are both really close to my heart.

On the way home I felt bad for whoever felt they needed to break into my car and i know in my heart i forgave them and i ask god that they will come to know him and I actually felt at peace, i wasn't angry or mad but I actually hope that one day I will meet them in Heaven... I mean it sucks that I lost all of those things but i dont think i've ever felt so at peace with God.

MAN! is it weird that it took this mess of a few days to really make me appreciate how much God loves! its kind of unreal thinking... Then i got a message on facebook saying ".He can take my joy, he can take my peace he can steal from me, But the enemy cant take my PRaise!! Treasures get stored in heaven for You because of these things happening to are called according to HIs purpose...YOu have been Marked, you're a target for the enemy!!!halleluyah....BIg things ahead for you...."

And I accept and agree with that! The devil stole physical things from me, things that i thought i needed, but really it brought me so much closer to God, seeing how much he loves me through this is insane! i'm not worried about how i'm going to pay for school but i'm trusting that God knows whats best for me, and if allowing my stuff to be taken away is what he feels is best... than i'm trusting in him and i'm going to do it praising the name of Jesus :)

1 comment:

NOVA said...

I absolutely love you and your heart. I feel like seeing how you handle all this with the Holy Spirit is encouraging me and teaching me very important lessons. Thank you! And again: Seeing you was just The best. I am very thankful that I got to catch up with you beautiful one.