Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Latin definition of passion is to “suffer” or “endure”.

During my time in Los Angeles, I was asked the question “what am I truly passionate about?” and for the first time I’ve realized I’m passionate (I would suffer) for Native American Youth.

Growing up being aware of the racism and the oppression that Native American Youth face, I’ve always been one to try and “break the odds” and be someone who didn’t need to fall into the stereotype of what my people were constantly falling into. My belief in creator God, is what kept me falling into a life to drugs and alcohol.

I’ve always loved working with Youth and Young Adults, trying to inspire them to take a chance in life and chase after your dreams.
I'm excited to see what the future holds for me as an Image Consultant, I want to be able to empower youth and young adults through;
-Fashion (dressing modestly and fashionably)
-Health and Fitness (becoming what you were created to be)
-First Impressions (job interviews and dressing for success)

I absolutly love seeing people reach for their dreams and chase after what they want in life, and I believe if you want something so bad, it will happen. I want to be able to come along side of my generation and help them strive to become all that they can be.

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