Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Girl! YOU are unique!... Just like everyone else!"

One time in particular I was feeling a little low on life, realized that my ex had moved on, blah blah blah!... So i decided to open up and talk to my roommate (I should tell you Maria is the type of girl who WILL cheer you up, make anyone come out of their "bubble" BUT she is not the best for advice...) and her motivational speech to me was the title of this post! Anyways, I'm just in the mood to share with all ya'll some of my uniqueness!

-i have a teddy bear named todd. todd is the name of the perfect man from my favorite book series growing up (i was told that there was no such thing as a perfect guy... so i created him!) reading that book series is a big reason as to why i'm a christian missionary today!

-I once told my dad that; in my past life i was ONE of dean martins girls.... i don't believe in reincarnation but if i did i was definitely one of his girls! haha

-i stick my tongue out when i'm concentrating too hard (apparently it's a "williams" thing)

-I cry at least once EVERY time I watch So You Think You Can Dance.

-I used to be an extravert but now i am an introvert. i don't mind it but it does take me forever to say what i'm thinking cause i feel the need to process word for word of what i will& be saying out loud.

-the coffee sleeves at starbucks have little ridges and while i'm there talking with friends i HAVE to pull the sleeve apart ridge by ridge until its finished

-when eating grapes (especially frozen ones) I have to hold it between my thumb and middle finger and peel them with my teeth before i eat the whole grape.

-I think i have number dyslexia, i hate loading minutes onto my cell phone! i always mix numbers up.

-I am a visionary but i have trouble communicating my dreams and making them sound the way i want them too!

-my favorite animal is a hippo... and my puppy!

-i pick up accents FAASTTT, there are a few words that i say that sound more oklahoma or michigan, sometimes i sound "old native". but my favorite is living with aussies, norwegians, pacific islanders, germans, koreans, etc and picking up non english words and it sounding normal in an english speaking sentence.

-i used to want to experience homelessness so i would know what it was like and i could somewhat relate to them more. (my parents put a stop to that and encouraged me to buy them food instead)

Disneyland with Maria! 2010

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Finding yourself"

"She wanted one thing, she wanted to go back to the way things used to be, she wanted to be oblivious to the realities that surrounded her. She miss those yelling, jumping, prancing times with her girlfriends. They were so far from her, they called her "friend" but she knew that was not true. They didn't know who she was anymore... She looked into the mirror and saw a stranger, she had lost herself..."

I wrote that 5 years ago and it funny how i can come back to it and think "wow, I must have been in pretty low state", then i can read it again and be like "man, thats how i feel right now...".

I'm so extremely blessed to have an amazing life, one of which is filled with amazing family, good friends and knowing that I have a God that loves me no matter my faults. Sometimes I feel like i've lost myself, or "I don't know who i am anymore"... But then i'm reminded of "the bigger picture": WHO am I here for? WHO knows me better then anyone else? Why do I feel the need to "Find myself?" when the person who created me knows exactly WHO I AM, and EVERYTHING I am created to be.

One thing I love/hate about "finding yourself" is you finally get to be how you invisioned yourself, just to realize you have SO much more potential! Setteling is so much easier the striving but whats the point in that?
I'll end this little rant with this:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates other."
-Nelson Mandela

Saturday, July 2, 2011

OEW Fast sum up :)

The past week I was in Missouri at a Christian native youth camp called Warrior Leadership Summit (WLS), the past few summers I’ve been part of the mobile ministry team that runs right after camp called On Eagles Wings (OEW).

I walked into my room on Monday so unsure of what my roommates were going to be like but I’m sure God had that planned from the beginning and I’m so truly blessed that I was able to get to know these girls and be encouraged by them!

My roommates this week were a group of girls from Northern Ontario and to see God ignite their hearts was so overwhelming! I reminded me of what it felt like when I first gave my heart to God, how happy I felt and how I wanted to tell everyone how good it feels to actually follow Christ. It was so cute listening to them say things like “It feels so good to be saved”, “I just want to go run around, I can’t sleep I’m too happy!”, “Jesus is so awesome” or “Yeah! Let’s start our life circles!” (Life circles are basically talking about what we learned that day, and what Jesus is showing us. In all my years of being at WLS I’ve never been with a group so excited to do them!)

Anyways, July is usually my favourite month of the whole year but I decided not to go on the OEW tour this summer and I thought it was going to be an easy choice; being able to see everyone, and then coming home after a week. But it wasn’t... It was actually so hard leaving and knowing that I’m settling for an O.K summer instead of being a life changer in Native America.

This morning I was still contemplating staying behind (I don’t know how possible that actually was but the thought was there the WHOLE week). Even though my heard broke this morning, I’m excited to hear how God is using the team in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota this summer!