Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

My dear friend beka wrote and produced this short film, it really brought me to tears as I watched it this morning. She says "I am overwhelmed by the pain that i see, i see the tears of the oppressed and they have no comforter".

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rapture?

Hahaha, that billboard made my laugh! People are too focused on WHEN it's going to happen rather then living their lives the way Christ intended us to and just be ready. The whole verse in Matthew reads "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.". NOT EVEN THE ANGEL!!! Why must people be so caught up in guessing when it'll happen when the angels themselves don't even know!

[Side not: I've been learning more about the new age movement and one thing that stuck out to me was the mass enlightenment and global unity tha during this time it'll be free of all war, violence, racism, hunger and death, and some even think that we'll be "one" with one language, one world govenment, one religion.
After watching Left behind it talks about the 7 years of tribulation followed by 7 years of peace. I'll be honest I haven't really reseached this the second coming but would New agers see the 7 years of peace as global unity? Just a thought!]

All this to say we need to stop chasing and tracking and guessing when Christ is coming agian and focus on being as Christ like as we can everyday, so that one day we can stand infront of God and know that we (the body of Christ) didn't get mislead or caught up on silly details but did everything we could to love and serve the people around us.
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."   C.S. Lewis

I've been comparing my life here in Muskoka with my YWAM life and as much as I miss home when i'm away, I miss being surrounded by people who have the same passion, goals, interests, and beliefs as I do.

Two girls that have impacted my life recently and if they could be around me always, i'd be happy! haha:

Alyssa Lazore: You really are my other half, it seems like everything your going through i've done and vice versa! I'm pretty much an open book to you and know that you'll still love me in the end! haha. It was great meeting your family and learning that even our parents are very similar to one another. I'm so thankful that God placed you in my life on the On Eagles Wings team almost 3 years ago. I love how God has brought us together in our likenesses!
Jen Lamont: Girl, you have been the one constant friend in my life, I know we can go long periods of time without seeing one another but when we do, we are able to pick back up and it's same love and understanding. You inspire me to be a better Christian and never give up even when I think there is no way God still wants me. I am honestly so thankful God blessed me with such an amazing friend and an example of what a Christian should look like.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I love how these questions;
"whats next?"
"going anywhere soon?"
"Where's your next trip?"
Are usually asked before "How are you?', I love being known as a Traveler, Missionary, Gypsy, or Nomad (whatever you want to call it) however sometimes it gets a little hard because I feel the need to ALWAYS have something lined up.
I recently posted a blog called "Alaska is on my mind", and I thought that trip was going to be sooner but as time gets closer the more it seems harder to go. I've always been comfortable with words "adventure" "new" and "different" but those are starting to change to "stable" "secure" and "the same".

The past 4-6 years have been filled with excitement and I've really felt alive and enjoying life.
I've lived in so many different places and have enjoyed them all, but home has always been home. Yep, I'm coming to terms with the fact I'm a little laid back, Muskoka cottage country girl at my very core.
I loved living in the heart of downtown Hamilton, learning the native rez life on Mantoulin Island, soaking up the Californian sun in the Los Angeles Vally, living as a real nomad sleeping on the floors of the Berber people, Mansions in the European getaway country, living on a bus touring America, very well tended Italian neighbourhoods in Toronto Ontario but nothing comes close to little Moose Deer Point, Ontario, Canada.

I would say i'm pretty adaptable but I'm leaning the More I leave Moose Deer the More I Miss home, this place has always been my comfort zone. The only thing I miss here is the amazing people I have met throughout my travels.

So what's next? I have no idea but no matter where it leads I know i'll always have a home.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A life less ordinary.

For the past few days i've been trying to blog SOMETHING and I come close to finishing but don't really "feel" it anymore.
I've felt that somethings missing...

Today I was at an art exhibit called "Visibly Unseen" and on one of the photographer write ups, read "...Her death changed the way I look at life; Katarina doesn't get another chance to go after her dreams...". I read over that a half a dozen times, each time fitting something new in me, or something that faded. I've lost my passion for seeing native american youth rising up, I've lost interest in trying to break down the native stereotypes, and I'm slowly becoming content with an ordinary life.

I dictionary.com-ed Ordinary and it read "With no special or distinctive features; normal.". Would I really be ok with knowing that my life was ordinary, normal, nothing impactful? No way! My teenage years and early twenties were filled with striving to be the best, dreaming big, learning to chase after what I want in life, making mistakes but having some sort of courage to get back up.

Truth is, all I want is a life less ordinary, when I finally get to heaven I want to hear God say "I'm so proud of you Melissa!" and know that I did want everything God wanted me to do.
I'm realizing the thing that has been missing is God, I've grown so used to just praying to him, that I forgot to listen. I stopped listening to my bestfriend and made our conversations all about me and what I think.

So God... I want to know your voice and have constant communication with you because I know you can speak to me and I know you have been. I'm sorry for allowing myself to make decisions without seeking you. I don't want to be that person that calls you a "best friend" but only comes to your when things are either going amazingly or horribly in my life, but I want to know whats on your heart so I help you!
So You and I can be a team and have a life less ordinary Together!