Friday, August 22, 2008

Final Summer Update/ Whats New

After such a great summer, coming back home was the hardest thing; I’ve never cried so much in my life, I definitely left my heart in Wikwemikong First Nation, on Manitoulin Island.

Learning more about my culture, and getting know the community, building stronger relationships with the youth from last summer, and establishing new friendships. Once again God broke my heart for the things that breaks his. Seeing the broken families, knowing that all girls I worked with have been sexually abused in someway, knowing that 80% of the native populations die prematurely. Most die violently as a result of alcohol and drug abuse, or by their own hands. Sadly there are 668 First Nations in Canada, and almost all of them are dealing with the same situations.

I have been so blessed to see these girls for who they truly are. Within the 4 months I’ve been there, such strong friendships were built. However a common thing I noticed was most of the youth we worked with, assumed that people who work with Daystar are born Christians and we all live boring lives that are trouble free.

Sometimes I would go home almost feeling like I’m not doing anything, I don’t see any fruit, and wondering if I was actually making a difference. But I went to a youth conference called Pitch and Praise this spring, and the theme was “The Conspiracy Theory” the last night the speaker said:
“The true conspiracy of God is that he’s doing more behind our backs than he is in front of us.”

One of our last events, one of our girls wanted to confess something she had shared to me earlier, but she felt she wanted everyone else to know too. She spoke about where her life is right now, and how she never thought she would be doing the stuff she feels stuck in. But its only when she is with us that she feels at home, she feels like she can be her true self and not feel as though she is being judged.

A few nights I would get asked if “I’ve ever been through any hard times?” or “I know you were born believing in God, but were you always good?” It really blessed my heart to hear that the Youth were actually searching for something, and noticed that I was different. Sharing my testimony as a Christian Native hit a lot deeper than I thought it would. I’m so thankful that I got to see a few youth come to Christ this summer, and seeing a lot more searching for something. Now I’m back home praying that those seeds will fall on good ground & God would pour out his blood upon those girls and keep them safe.

I want to see other Native American’s rising up, and leading others to God, and let them know that it’s ok to have a dream, to have a plan and a purpose for life. I truly believe that I’m called to be a full time missionary, working in Native America. I applied to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and got accepted to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) September 21st 2008. I will need around $6000 to go and have all my expenses paid. I’m having a fundraising roast beef dinner September 6, its $10.00 a ticket. If you know you can’t make it donations are more than welcome. However if you can’t support me financially I’m asking that you will keep me in your prayers, that the needs will be met and I will have a peace about leaving my dad, and trusting God is in control.

Thanks for the prayers and support over this summer.
God Bless.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dinner at the Farm

Well its almost the end of summer... its been truly an amazing one, i'm so inlove with the youth that i work with and the thought of leaving this place has already brought tears to my eyes...

the other day we had an amazing girls group, we wanted to show the girls what it was like to feel important and feel special. We told them to bring dressy clothes, Lynn & Myself did make up for the girls, than later had a photoshoot with them (one of the other interns took photography in uni). to top off the night we had dinner in the old barn, candle lite with lanters all over (batterie opperated ones of course!) and the guys small group prepared our supper and served us 1st class... Everyone had an amazing time, & it was awesome to see God moving in these girls lives :)